because San Diego is the best place to be.

Last weekend I ventured to San Diego California //the home land// to do one of the best things of my life. and yes it was the best thing of my life this far. and sharing it with my lovely fiance made it that much better. I was adopted as you all know, and sealed to my wonderful parents in the San Diego Temple. Naturally, this temple now holds a special place in my heart. I feel so blessed and thankful to my amazing mother for driving me there to receive my endowments. It was such an amazing experience. I was lucky enough to get to spend a couple days basking in the sun. Tyson and I are beach people. through and through. here are some pictures of our lovely trip. if you follow me on instagram //@hallahharmon// you're already caught up.

we like long walks on the beach and carousels. 

playing catch up.

I am behind and a lot has happened. I have had requests that I write up certain posts and I have been to and from California. It has been a busy couple of weeks, but they have been wonderful. I will fill all you lovely people in as soon as i can. but until then, i will let you know that i am officially a grown up.

I guess I'm interesting.

the lovely lady of Dearest Honey tagged me for what is called a liebster award. I wasn't even aware there was such a thing until she filled me in. The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers who have less then 200 followers. after blogging since 2009 my blog has changed numerous time. I have been blogging for four years and have just reached 70 followers. that is not the 650 followers that a lot of you wonderful humans have. but that felt like an accomplishment to me. 70 people think i am interesting.  i am almost cool. WIN.  here is whats up. I am gonna answer 11 questions about me. I am then going to tag some ladies. and so on and so on. you know this tagging thing that you all hate. 

dig in.

1: what is your favorite store?
//hobby lobby. hands down//

2: what are your three closet staples?
//nude stilettos. oxford flats. combat boots. i dont like shoes at all//   

3: what is your favorite TV show?
//walking dead. enough said//

4: If you could be any TV or movie character, who would you be?
//Jessica Day. she has the best clothes & the best hair//

5: If you could be one item of any price, what would it be?
 //Steve Madden combat boots//

6: what is your favorite band and or singer?
//mumford and sons & drake. he is my guilty pleasure//

7: what are your top read daily blogs?

8: What would be your tip for new bloggers?
//don't be afraid to say what you want & don't compare your life to anyone else"

9: what is one thing you have learned about yourself since blogging?
//I am constantly changing. I am never the same person from week to week. also, I am so unique. I am so much the same but so different from everyone around me//

10: what is your favorite season?
//summer. painted toe nails & shaved legs// 

11: If you could switch lives with anyone, who would it be?
//my soon to be husband. i would love to walk in his shoes to see how he stays sane loving me//

go ahead and answer the questions that i answered above. 
or answer whatever questions you want. 

do yo thang.