Almost here.
Lots of things are almost here. some of them i am dreading and some of them i cannot wait to happen.
1: UTAH(good)
2: Proctored test.(horrible)
3: summer.summer.summer.summer.(best thing ever)
4: moving(haven't decided yet)
i am going to Utah. finally. its been like seven months already. when i think about it, it went by so fast. but when i look at it on a day to day basis its like slugging along. i get to finally see Kari. KARI. i never realized how much best friends do for you. she practically keeps me sign on days when i just wanna break down and cry. Im used to moving to new places. but here was different. not going to an actual school has made my social life a no go. i have never had so little friends in my life. if my sister wasn't here with me i probably would have walked home by now. i have one girlfriend here that i can really call to do stuff on weekends. and boys in this city are just plain STUPID. teenage boys just kinda suck. end of story. One of the best things that has happened to me though while being here is probably my young women's leaders. They are some of the most amazing women i have ever met. I don't know what i would do with out them. They really have changed my life. and all i know is that is one thing i'll miss going back to utah. My leaders. and all my leaders here are drop dead gorgeous. but all in all. its time for a visit back to good 'ol Utah.
Now my proctored test. lame. thats how to describe it. im so excited to be almost done.
i am about ready to scream at mother nature. all i want it summer. i just need some warm weather and not have to worry about it being interrupted by rain. this winter seemed exceptionally long. maybe its because i am used to snowboarding all winter long. but oh well at least to day is sunny right? just thinking about summer makes me happy.
Now. moving. i haven't decided if this is a good thing yet. i love the city so much. and if i could bring kari to the city. it would be complete. i love my leaders and i love having to not do yard work. haha i love how easy it is to get around and how many opportunities there are here. that is something utah doesn't have. i am pretty sure i will be right back out here after graduating. i really do love it here. i guess the only reason i want to go back is for kari. haha it'll also be nice to actually go to school too. and have a social life. and be around Mormon boys. haha and i will for sure miss my leaders. all in all i love New York. being here has honestly changed my life. i have learned so much from being here. it made me have to grow up. ever since i have come to the city i have been a better person. i really do love it here. and will be really sad to leave. but that's not happening yet. so lets not think about it:)
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