You're not easy to love
You're not easy to love (no)
You're not easy to love
You're not easy to love (no)

Why is everything with you so complicated?
Why do you make it hard to love you, oh I hate it
Cause if ya really wanna be alone
I will throw my hands up cause baby I tried
Everything with you is so complicated
Oh, why?

Sometimes I get you
Sometimes I don't understand
Sometimes I love you
Sometimes it's you I can't stand
Sometimes I wanna hug you
Sometimes I wanna push you away
Most times I wanna kiss you
Other times... punch you in the face

those a just a few of the words from rihanna's song complicated.
i feel it describes boys perfectly. or at least how i feel about them.
yes boys suck. buuut. i dont really have room to complain.
girls suck just as much if not worse.
i have my guard up right now. i guess its from getting so hurt lately.
im not usually this closed.
but boys just have some sorta power over us girls.
right now my two best friends have boyfriends.
Kari. is dating my cousin Bryson. they go perfectly together.
Kate. she is dating one of my best guy friends shawn.
proud to say i set them up. they are the cutest couple.
i am so happy for both of them.
being single isnt as bad as i thought it would be.
though i would love to have someone to cuddle with.
i have to time to find myself and figure out what i really need.
not just want.
so even though right now i am so sick of boys.
i still got one on my mind.

1 comment:

  1. ooooh yeah you do! and he is a good one at that


lets hear it.