everyone would have a floating sentence over their head.
called a status.
everyone would know everything about your life.
without ever saying a word to you.
everyone would change ten times a day.
so there "profile picture"
would make them look cute for whoever they are talking to.
everyone would hate everyone.
because of how much trash talk goes on.
everyone would always look pretty.
the days they feel they look ugly.
they'd just delete so no one could see it.
you would only see everyone...
from their "good side".
pretty much facebook is a disaster.

i sat on the computer today.
doing the usual facebook stalking.
everyone has that one person they love to look at cause they seem so cool.
(most of us dont like to admit it).
and pretending like i am doing my homework.
i unconsciously played the same song 25 times.
my itunes kept track for me.
somehow ingrid never g
ets old.
then after i realized how bored i was on facebook.
i blog stalked.
let me tell you...

this is very addicting.
some blogs make you feel so good about yourself.
and others.
make you feel incredibly boring.
either way.
they are all completely different.
which i love.

every blog has its own personality.
some people post way too much information.
and some only post one line.
i learn more about some people in one blog post.
than i would all my years of highschool.
i waste a lot of time on the comput
according to my mother.
but in my defense.
i am always learning new things.



my NYR update.
im one more step closer to my goal.
i wrote another page of piano music. this means i am at three minutes.
my goal is five. im almost there.
i skipped seminary today and made cookies.
does that mean im one step farther away from my ending goal?
oops...the cookies weren't even good.
i finished all my homework early today and it felt niice.
i guess that means i am closer to graduating highschool.
...and going to college.

i guess thats all for my new years resolutions.
something new.
something forgotten.
something missed.

something new:
a new friend.
something i greatly needed.
haley came into my life at the perfect time.
when i see her.
i see me.
she's a friend i'll never give up.

something forgotten:

every time i see this picture.
i remember the moment i took it.
i forget about the experience i had in the DR much to often.
i have pictures like these to remember it.

something missed:

my big sister.
she has been moved out for..
six months now?
i think i didnt realize how much she ment to me when she was here.
and now she is gone.
i miss her so much.


well. this post will be short.
i learned something about my dad today.
he was practically attacked by a bunch of black kids in the ghetto on in mission in queens new york. that would be scary i wont lie.
also. i got my math book i need to finish my math packets. which i need to graduate.
look at me go. haha
two steps closer to by goal. hopefully i'll keep this up. today has been long tiring.
and well. boring. tomorrow will be better. i know it.




i cannot count how many times a day i forget what i am doing.
lately the main thing i forget..
where to be next.
so far.
i have asked three different people what my next class is.
dont you love that?
wanna know what makes it worse?
why do i think they will know.
its like walking into a room of
complete strangers and expecting
each of them to know my favorite color and my middle name.
stupid right.?

i wake up everyday thinking...
a or b day.?
weekend or weekday.?
and every morning.
without fail.
i forget to take my retainer out.
so i walk into school with a lisp.
perfect way to start out the day.
to top it off i cant make decisions.
sleep more or go to school.?
tear my hair out or do my hair.?

im forgetful.
so what?
i forget things.
thats normal right...?
i cant make decisions.
not a big deal.
i trust my friends judgment.
i guess i just have to take things step by step.


its a new year.
and hopefully a new me will come with this new year.
i have been thinking a lot over this past month.
what to do with myself this new and somewhat improved year?.
i have successfully come up with a list of ten things i WILL have happen this year.
here goes..
1: graduate highschool.
2:go to college.
3:fix a wrong doing i did to anyone last year.
4:get my patriarchal blessing.
5:finish the piano instrumental i stopped writing.
6:learn something new every week about my dad.
7:be more active.
8:make at least four new friends.
9:buy a car.
10:and be a better person when no one is watching.

some of these things seem really easy.
and some of them seem really hard.
but when you break it all down to a day by day basis,
each of these things require work and thought and time.


my pledge for this year starting now.
i am going to blog my progress on each of these things every day.
HOPEFULLY each of these things will make my life better.
so starting today at day 00 i am going to keep this promise.