its a new year.
and hopefully a new me will come with this new year.
i have been thinking a lot over this past month.
what to do with myself this new and somewhat improved year?.
i have successfully come up with a list of ten things i WILL have happen this year.
here goes..
1: graduate highschool.
2:go to college.
3:fix a wrong doing i did to anyone last year.
4:get my patriarchal blessing.
5:finish the piano instrumental i stopped writing.
6:learn something new every week about my dad.
7:be more active.
8:make at least four new friends.
9:buy a car.
10:and be a better person when no one is watching.

some of these things seem really easy.
and some of them seem really hard.
but when you break it all down to a day by day basis,
each of these things require work and thought and time.


my pledge for this year starting now.
i am going to blog my progress on each of these things every day.
HOPEFULLY each of these things will make my life better.
so starting today at day 00 i am going to keep this promise.


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lets hear it.