
everyone that reads my blog. LISTEN UP. i am trying something new. im selling food storage. through shelfreliance. also known as thrive. im doing it with a great friend named merrilee fairbanks. she started out as my employer who is now a very good friend. so. here is the deal. we are selling food storage. not only food storage. but shelves for that food storage. and other great items that you would need if a natural disaster ever happened. you can go to the website here if you would like to look at everything they sell. im really excited about this and hope it all goes well. you can click on this button to my left. underneath the one that says my adoption{you can read that one too if you please}. and it will also take you to the website where you can buy freeze dried food storage. {when you buy food you have the option of having it shipped right to you or going and picking it up from them yourself, which either floats your boat}. so heres how it goes. you put that button on your blog. and link it to this website and i give you free food. a free can{its a big can} of any food you would like. thats all. thats all you have to do for some free food storage. so guys. its as easy as 1 2 3.

{comment if you put it on your blog. and i will get your info to send you your lovely freeze dried food storage}

and dont forget. its a wonderful life.  

run forest run

guys. i need to lose some poundage. so. i ran today. two miles. in the dark. running helps you think. and i desperetly needed that time to myself to do just that. there is way too much to think about. so i will be running nonstop from now on.

an announcement.

eh ehem.

listen up my friends. 
you are indeed looking at the newest employee of forever21.

 if i may boast. 
i am quite pleased with myself. 

it may just be my dream retail job.
so its no biggie.

now. i am actually excited to go to work.
so come on in.
and visit me.
i wouldnt mind a bit.

im pumped.

oh guys.
its a wonderful life.

oh me oh my.

i got myself a winner.
seriously though.
he beats me at ping pong every time.

it kills me.

four things no girl should go without.

today. i realized there are certain items i cannot do without. things i use on the regular.{everyday that is}. and i have decided i will share them with you. since in my opinion{which i like to think is important}no girl should  go  without. 

first off:

 floral clothing. from tights to shorts to swim suits to dresses.
 any day can be a floral day.
thats my motto. 

and second: 

an item of beloved jewelry. in this case for me. 
that would be my pearl.
camera necklace. 
just something you can wear.
that will always put a smile on your face.
no matter the occasion.

thirdly{if thats a word}:

because no matter the weather.
they always look cute. 
with a dress. 
with shorts. 
with jeans.
or with tights. 
rain boots will do the job.
preferably in your favorite color. 

and fourth:

books. books. and more books.
that make you cry.
that make you sigh.
that make you think.
that make you laugh. 
that have cool bindings. 
and just look pretty on your shelf.
books are a good way{for me at least} to relax.
and relaxing.
is just what we need.

i wrote a song.

i wrote a song today. 
you know. 
for that boy of mine. 
im quite please with its turn out.
maybe one day i'll record it. 
and put it up.
he is the greatest. 
hes my sexy beast. 
and im his tasty cupcake.
he is just delightful to be with.
im a veryveryvery blessed young lady.


its a wonderful life.

we are.

joy williams.
you have made my day wonderful.

 thank you.

the vow.

i know where i'll be february 10th.

hello.bonjour.hola.guten tag.

welcome. welcome. welcome. and thanks for coming. this good 'ol blog of mine has been re.birthed{if you please}. it has gone through a cleansing. we have trimmed the fat. and are starting anew. hope you are as excited and i am. its still the same blog. with the same girl behind it. but. with a new outlook and a touch of creativity. take a look around. and let me know your opinions. for they matter. you guys are lovely. and thank you all for the support. have a splendid day. and dont forget.

its a wonderful life.

its no longer a disaster.

its no longer a disaster. my life that is. you know? my life and other disasters. i named my blog. what? three years ago?. that name was extremely fitting when chosen. but now. not so much. since i can see now. that my life is nothing but beautiful. so. i am changing the name. its been a long decision. since i seem to be attached to this blog and the name. i know i know. its not like im getting a new blog. but when i change the name it will seem that way. because a new name. calls for new changes. so. my life and other disasters. is no more. goodbye. you will be missed in someways. and in others. not so much. it was a love hate relationship. but i am in need of no more hate in my life. thanks for the memories. but the time has come for me to move on. au revoir.{till seen again}

mrs. annie lawrence.

let me introduce annie
you can find her blog by clicking here.
many of you may be wondering why i am doing this. 
because of the hard feelings.
i have harbored for her.
in the past.
well those feelings are no more. 
the past is indeed the past.
i will be honest. 
i would actually love to get to know this girl.
her faith and testimony.
have kept me hopeful through many tribulations.
she is quite amazing.
and has a strength that i wish i had.

hopefully one day. 
we can be better friends. 
because she is the type of girl.
that is worth having in your life. 
because she has already changed my life.
without even being in it. 
so imagine the wonders she could do.
being apart of it.

here is to you mrs. annie lawrence. 


fathers are a blessing. 
dont take them for granted.
{sometimes they will even give you flowers}

clothes clothes clothes.

being as poor as i am. 
i will be shopping at di and savers.
and washing everything i purches.
at least twice. 
their clothes are better anyway.
the real version of what forever twenty-one is selling.
a friend once tweeted.
"i wish all the old people would die so their kids would take their clothes to di and savers so i can buy them."
as horrible as this sounds. 
it is slightly true.
but dont get me wrong. 
i do not want any of your grandparents.
or parents dying.
i just want their clothes.

an awkward. yet satisfying post.

one of the most unsexy things out there. as the {sexy} world calls them. granny panties. yet one of the most comfortable things any girl could own. im not saying my victoria secret underwear are not comfortable. because they are. but these things. its like lounge wear. slip into those and a sports bra and you and the notebook are set all day. though i would never leave my room in them {even when hidden underneath clothing} i would cuddle up in my bed in them. i might have to be rid of my ways once i have a husband. but until then. they will stay. im just being honest here. thats all. goodnight. sleep tight.

another one.

he is back.
this calls for two words.
and two words only.
{those with sensitive eyes. please skip the next line}
hell ya.
no longer do i feel alone.
and extremely uncomfortably bored.
my best friend is back.
and now. 
i can finally begin the new year.

being in love.
is the worst.
{in the best way possible}
best thing.
anyone could ever do.

i recommend 
everyone at least consider it.
once you dip your toes in.
there is absolutely.
no way you can refuse it.

completely twitterpated.

today is the day.
so after this.
there will be no more annoying.
{i need my boyfriend}
blog posts.
i can promise you that.
i think.
i am counting down.
i need to stay sane.
he doesnt get home till ten or eleven.
so i must find things to do all day. 
ill try to be productive.
but i cant promise anything.
i am just a ball of nerves.

i am completely twitterpated.

i cannot wait. 
to see that handsome face of his.

thanks mrs betty white.

"why do people say "grow some balls"? balls are week and sensitive. if you wanna be tough. grow a vagina. those things can take a pounding.

-mrs. betty white.

oh how i love her.
what is to be said about this quote?

enough said.


change is hard. i will not deny that. i cannot say that i hate it. but saying that i like change would be a lie. you cant avoid change. its constant. there are good changes and and bad changes and the change in between. still. change all the same. at this point and time in my life. change is my constant companion. with moving back out. being on my own. not going back to school. to finding love. at times just thinking about dealing with the change scares me to tears. but. i have so much to thank change for. because change is what brings me to my knees every night. and change is what brings me closer to my heavenly father. change not only makes you emotionally stronger and teaches you life lessons. but it makes you spiritually stronger and teaches you spiritual lessons. that is something that i am learning. because it is the new year. like everyone else. i am thinking of the change that this new year brings. and the goals i want to set. i have the chance to control a small amount of change in my life. that will bring greater changes in the end. i have to choice now to look at all the change that goes on around me as a blessing. a test of my faith my strength and my maturity. because so much has already changed in this first week of the new year. i am setting my goals now to help me cope with the change that is still to come. if you please. you can call them my new years resolutions. this year i only have three. but if i stick to these three goals every part of my life will be influenced and strengthened. and a good change will occur. here they are:

one: become closer to my family. Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ. and always have the Holy Ghost. through daily prayer and studying the book of Mormon. really studying. it with the intent of strengthening my testimony.

two: exercise often. at least three times a week. because exercise produces endorphins. and endorphins make you happy. and having a positive happy attitude changes your prospective on life. and for me. change.

and three: become the person i would want to marry. this may seem broad. but it is very thought out. whether it is being able to keep a clean home. knowing how to cook. how to communicate. be more loving. be more understanding. anything and everything. i have so much to learn. and have a lot of personal changes i need to make to become the person i would want to marry.

these things. are the foundations i want to build my life upon. because if i do. i can go through any change and over come any hardship. though change is not my favorite friend right now. it is the friend that has done the most for me.

let me complain

this trip of his might be killing me. ya. you suck florida. 

{my apologies for the harsh words.}

but honestly.

a little bit of random.

im back. after my short leave of absence. i am back. with not much news to bring. but enough that i will share. it is the new year. hopefully everyone has realized this by now. i am still choosing my new years resolutions. it is taking me quite some time. i know im behind. but these ones are important. this will be a big year for me. my new years eve was lovely. thanks for asking. it was a night full of good food and delightful people. and for that new years kiss. he gave it to me.the perfect way to step into this new. unknown. untouched year of ours. in the arms of my one and only. i will never deny that he is a blessing.

since january first i have moved out. i live in provo now. it was a scary. but rewarding change. i like it here. its cozy. my room is small. and i have to share a bathroom. but i can deal with that. its good to be on my own again. i am currently looking for a job. so if anyone knows a place. let me know.

he left me. yep. he left me. for florida. and he isnt coming back till next tuesday night. its already been three days. and i can hardly stand it. i never realized how mch time i spent with him. till he left. and i had nothing to do but sit in my room all day. miss that man like crazy. but i guess i'll learn to deal. whatever. 

and i am sick. i have this cold that might just be killing me. i sneeze and it gives me brain tumors. my throat is eating itself. and my head. pounds 318476837641873681748 times a second. but im not dead yet. i dont exactly understand how. but. i am grateful. 

i ate sushi for dinner today. it was just my cup of tea. exactly what i needed. then again. sushi is always what i need. so i dont really know what i am saying. cause honestly. every bite i ever take of sushi. my taste buds explode. i could eat it all day. its healthy for you right? cause i think i will go on a sushi diet. 

anyway. its twelvethirty. twothirty in florida if anyone is wondering. so i am off to bed. if my body will allow me to soak up some sleep. please. everyone pray i will still be living in the morning. so. goodnight. and hopefully.

its not my last.