I guess I'm interesting.

the lovely lady of Dearest Honey tagged me for what is called a liebster award. I wasn't even aware there was such a thing until she filled me in. The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers who have less then 200 followers. after blogging since 2009 my blog has changed numerous time. I have been blogging for four years and have just reached 70 followers. that is not the 650 followers that a lot of you wonderful humans have. but that felt like an accomplishment to me. 70 people think i am interesting.  i am almost cool. WIN.  here is whats up. I am gonna answer 11 questions about me. I am then going to tag some ladies. and so on and so on. you know this tagging thing that you all hate. 

dig in.

1: what is your favorite store?
//hobby lobby. hands down//

2: what are your three closet staples?
//nude stilettos. oxford flats. combat boots. i dont like shoes at all//   

3: what is your favorite TV show?
//walking dead. enough said//

4: If you could be any TV or movie character, who would you be?
//Jessica Day. she has the best clothes & the best hair//

5: If you could be one item of any price, what would it be?
 //Steve Madden combat boots//

6: what is your favorite band and or singer?
//mumford and sons & drake. he is my guilty pleasure//

7: what are your top read daily blogs?

8: What would be your tip for new bloggers?
//don't be afraid to say what you want & don't compare your life to anyone else"

9: what is one thing you have learned about yourself since blogging?
//I am constantly changing. I am never the same person from week to week. also, I am so unique. I am so much the same but so different from everyone around me//

10: what is your favorite season?
//summer. painted toe nails & shaved legs// 

11: If you could switch lives with anyone, who would it be?
//my soon to be husband. i would love to walk in his shoes to see how he stays sane loving me//

go ahead and answer the questions that i answered above. 
or answer whatever questions you want. 

do yo thang.   


  1. Combat boots are the best! And so is Hobby Lobby! I could wander that store for hours....

  2. Don't compare. I couldn't agree more WITH YOU. love this. & LOVE getting to know you more.


  3. i think you're the greatest.

  4. Your blog is so cute!

  5. Great answers! I want to be Jessica Day too :-)

    Jo x amomentwithjo


lets hear it.