cats on cats

I am convinced that one day I will be a cat lady. And I am okay with that, just have to break the news to T. He also gave me permission to be a tiger today, and I could not pass that one up, obviously. 

Today was baby Hayze's baby blessing. His suspenders and bow tie kill me, he had to keep it classy in front of that big crowd. He stole my heart the first time I held him and in the last couple months we have become the best of buds. 

Tomorrow is Monday, Monday.. T goes back to school tomorrow, let real life begin. Its that time of year to get settled into our real routine and say goodbye to summer and hello to textbooks and tests. Thankfully, I am not starting school until spring. I needed more time to convince myself I could work full time and study full time. I am still not convinced.

Jumper // Better B. 
Watch // Kohls
Neon Cat Button Up // Gap
Necklace // XXI 
Wedges // Pac Sun


1 comment:

lets hear it.