a while back. i posted this.
then things progressed. and i posted this.
his name is Tyson Brent Keetch. he is twenty two years and five months old. he stands six feet tall. and has a muscular build. he has bright blue eyes that notice every little thing. he has dimples and a cleft chin with perfectly white straight teeth behind lips that form a perfect smile. he makes me happy and comfortable. not only with what we have. but with myself. he lets me know that being myself is what really matters. he hangs out with my family in the kitchen while we all cook, eat & talk. i hang out with his family on his back porch talking laughing and watching movies. when its just me and him. we become completely immature and childish. we laugh. we play fight and sometimes we sit and just have staring contests. he knows more about me than i do. only because he can read every emotion that crosses my face. i have learned that relationships are not easy. that saying bye is one of the hardest things to do. and having to watch him drive away knowing that i wont see him the next day pulls at my heart strings. having to be away from him at college has made me realize some things. one. that while we were together i took it for granted. two. that his smile is what gets me through so many things. and three. that i love him. really love him. i wake up everyday thinking about him and go to sleep every night praying that he is doing okay. love is a scary thing. a very scary thing. because you put yourself completely at risk. but i dont care anymore. he is the most respectful kind amazing man i have ever known. and if its my choice i am never letting him go. so i would like to publicly announce. i am in love. completely. and yes it scares me. it is a shift in my life. but i know he will take care of me. college will only make us stronger. and we are going to be okay. im the luckiest girl in the world.
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