a theory.

life is exactly like a really narrow winding road. none of our roads are the same. obviously. they all wind and climb and fall in different places. and yes. we are all stick shift cars. its really hard for us to climb up hills and its really easy for us to stall randomly. even when we didnt know that it was coming. this is just my theory. and the last couple days i have been climbing a giant hill and im not sure if im gonna roll back down, stall and have to restart.

with the new situations at hand. a lot of things will be changing in the near future. and right now. its really hard. i dont understand why things have to happen this way and i dont get the point of it all. but i guess things dont always go the way i want. my road has become extremely winded and i have had to slow down in order to not fly off the edge. im scared of how things are gonna end up but i just have to have faith and know that there are people there along the way that are gonna be there to help me.  i have so many people that love me. and i am so lucky.

life is hard. but thats okay.

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