well. 13 days till christmas people. i hope everybody is as excited as i am. cause its gonna be an awesome holiday season. with the smells. the lights. the food. the people. the music. the weather. everything in this month brings out the joy and happiness in almost everybody around. this is the holiday for joy. for reflection. for family. for friends. for thanks. for snowball fights and for snowmen. and for holding hands and kissing while it snows down on you. not that that will be happening with me. but for all those lovers out there. cheers. you are very lucky this season. dont take it for granted.
i have decided that these next twelve days deserve a little bit of special treatment. so i will be doing something special every day until the night of Christmas. something to get me in the mood of Christmas. and hopefully it does me good.
wish me luck.
and a Merry Christmas to all.
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lets hear it.