because i finally became technologically savy

I spent a couple hours tonight trying to figure this out. after banging my fists steering clear of profanity and a couple kisses from the man, I finally did it. thanks to this girl for her help on giving me some tutorials, we all came out alive. so thank you Jessica, you're a winner. // her blog is fantastic, you should take a peek //.

here are the buttons:

If you have a button, let me know. Because right now I am button happy and i'd love to place it on my blog.

you guys are great. 

1 comment:

  1. k. YOU ARE STINKING ADORABLE!!!! i'm SO glad you found my wittle bitty blog because right when i saw your comment, i jumped over to yours and fell completely in love with your blog!
    i'm trying to grab a button of yours so we could possibly swap (i'm helpless without the actual codes to copy and paste haha) or an email of yours to email you at but i can't seem to find either?!
    anywho- email me!
    don't forget the 'e' in the middle.
    CONGRATS on getting married soon! oh goodness, so fun.



lets hear it.