bring it on fall.

I cannot wait for fall to really come so I can bust out my flannel and beanies. Crunchy leaves, pumpkins and chilly nights, what more can I ask for? 

Here are my goals for this fall: 

>Get completely unpacked from the move
>Get organized
>Finally print our wedding pictures
>Send out our Wedding Thank you's ( four months late )
>Make some much needed trips to DI
>& learn a few new recipes

It's not a big list, but it will take me some time. When things like organizing start to happen, that's when my ADD decides it's bored and wants to do other things, a million other things, at once. It's quite lovely.

Floral Skinnies // Ross
Ankle Boots // Forever Young
Gray T// Cotton On
Green Trench Coat // XXI
Shoulder Bag // ALDO
Necklace & Bracelet // Charlotte Russe
Watch // Kohls

What are your fall goals?

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl ! I'm finally "back in business" and going through my newest followers, comments etc. Thank you so much for joining my readers, even though I wasn't blogging with full speed at the time ;) I hope you stick around & drop a comment sometime too. (I have to check if you already have ;))
    By the way, I think you look absolutely gorgeous in this outfit! So pretty. And congratulations, newlyweds! xx

    Love, Satu
    Indie by heart


lets hear it.