my saturday night has been great. one of the best in a very long time. family brings the most joy. at least i think its true. and. i have the best family ever. so that is a plus. my mom chose the right kids to adopt. anyway. let me fill you in on why this night was so good. it started out with me. and my sister. being in a really good mood. and i thought to myself. might as well make good use of this. right? i walked into my brothers room. and forced him to get off his butt and come hang out with us. finally after 15 minutes of nagging. he agreed. we got into his car and decided to go see transformers 3. after arriving at the movie theater. he came up with an amazing idea. nickel city. so we hoped back into the car. and drove right to nickel city. and this is where the fun and games began. literally. we can be a very good team when it is needed.

driving to nickel city winning tickets counting tickets
955. thats how many tickets we were able to conjure up. i felt like it was a pretty good amount. for being there for only about a half an hour. with 5 dollars each in nickels. we got our moneys worth. and there is no need to worry. we used our tickets wisely. very wisely actually.
creep one creep two creep three
yes we got a good laugh out of this. actually lots of good laughs. after realizing that we were having so much fun together. rachel and i realized that it is bens birthday on monday. so. we did what any good sisters would do. we dedicated this night full of fun to my brother. since we work on monday and cant celebrate then. after playing with our staches. we all went out to get bens birthday dinner. costa vida. brought it home. sat on our back deck and ate while the dogs played. it was a good night. one that i will not be forgetting any time soon. so i would like to say. happy birthday brother bear. you really are such a great big brother. i love you. ya.
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