this tuesday night

has been different than all the other days of summer so far. the feeling is different. a lot is going through my mind. at this moment. there are a hundred things going on in my life. that i cannot control. my emotions are swimming all over the place.and i cant seem to reel any of them in. im not saying im not happy. because i am. i am very happy. but the reality of the upcoming events seem to be hanging over my head. so... due to the feeling on this slightly sunny tuesday night...
i must follow a certain routine.
that always makes me feel brighter.
or at least at ease.

play the piano.
fill up the bathtub with steamy water and lots of bubbles.
while listening to he is we.
curl up on the couch and read angels and demons.
listen to more he is we.
while i curl up under my sheets.
think about all the amazing people and things i have in my life.

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lets hear it.