in the jungle. the mighty jungle.

this has been a great thanksgiving break. i have loved it. i have got to spend so much time with my family. i have really missed them away at college. moving back home becomes more appealing to me everyday. anywho. this break is treating me well.

today was fantastic. just a completely magical day. spent it all day with my family. in the wild animal park. yeah. thats right. in the wild animal park. looking at lions and new three month old gorilla babies and watching cheetahs run at seventy miles an hour and the best getting like twenty feet from giraffes. i was in heaven. i mean. i would much rather be doing this then dealing with super grumpy overly anxious early morning shoppers. but thats just me. and what made this even better. we planked. and we got my mom and my uncle in on it. i now have bruises on my hip bones. but it was so worth it. over all. it was a great day. wouldnt trade it for anythin. well. here are some pictures if you are interested in the slightest.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOO I love that park! When I went I went on the giraffe tour and was able to feed the giraffes. So awesome!


lets hear it.